Enrico Bressan
Ph.D. in Taxation, Chartered Accountant and Auditor
Enrolled to the Organization of Chartered Accountants of Venice, No. 1358 of the Register, since 2004
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Tax Litigation
He has gained significant experience in taxation and corporate law (mainly dealing with tax litigation) thanks to his activity in national and international tax Firms, such as Studio Pirola Pennuto Zei and Ernst & Young, and to his collaboration with Mr. Dario Stevanato, Professor and Lawyer.
Expertise and discretion have allowed him to deal with prestigious roles as a defensive counsel in tax litigation or as an expert in tax criminal law, in the framework of long-lasting relationships of mutual collaboration with various tax and legal Firms of the North-East of Italy. Speaker in conferences and author of titles concerning tax issues, he co-authored the following books:
“Abuso del diritto e raddoppio dei termini” (Abuse of law and doubling of procedural terms), Maggioli, 2016
“Come evitare l’elusione fiscale nelle operazioni straordinarie” (How to escape tax avoidance in extraordinary transactions), Maggioli, 2008;
“Il transfer price in Italia” (Transfer pricing in Italy), with a forward by Professor Stevanato, SEAC, 2007.
He has a good knowledge of English.
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